Thrive \’thrīv\ — 1. to prosper; be fortunate or successful. 2. to grow or develop vigorously; flourish.
ADS provides an array of community-based services that are age, culturally and developmental appropriate for children of all ages. Staff incorporates fun and interactive approaches that help program participants to recognize and manage emotions, develop care and concern for others, recognize self-worth, make responsible decisions, establish positive relationships, and handle challenging situations effectively.

- Ongoing classroom sessions – using evidence based curricula
- One-time Presentations (see topics below)
- On-site adolescent substance abuse screenings
- Specialized and Intensive services for youth at higher risk for substance use
- Health Fairs and distribution of drug education pamphlets
- Youth Leadership Teams – specialized training for teens designed to prepare them to educate their peers on various healthy living topics and lead community awareness events
PRESENTATION TOPICS (not all inclusive)
- Addiction Issues
- Adolescent Brain Development
- Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
- Anger Management
- Bullying Prevention
- Character Education
- Children of Substance Abusers
- Communication
- Conflict Resolution
- Decision Making
- Environmental Effects on Teens and Drug Use
- Media and Advertising
- Refusal Skills – Saying “No”
- Self Esteem
- Stress Management
- Violence Prevention

- Community Centers
- Recreation Centers
- Boys and Girls Clubs
- Faith-based Organizations
- Detention Centers
- Residential and Group Homes