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Heroin Help Cards in High Point

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The High Point Police Department has been a steadfast supporter of addiction treatment and in assisting people with addiction problems find the help that they need. Their most recent effort is the use of Heroin Help Cards. WFMY News2 aired a segment highlighting this new initiative in which High Point Police Officers will hand out these helpful contact information cards to individuals they find that are experiencing a drug problem.

High Point has had a severe problem with heroin addiction. The community has responded with concern and compassion in the ongoing effort to prevent opioid overdose and save lives.

The heroin help cards provide a 24/7 contact number for people to call as well as a walk-in group time for individuals to come seek help in person on Chestnut Drive in High Point. These services are being offered through the mutual effort of Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS) and Caring Services, Inc.

We are grateful to the High Point Police Department for their interest and support in addressing community addiction issues. Their support has made a real difference. Both Caring Services and ADS have a long history in the Triad of treating addiction problems and assisting people in moving beyond active addiction to recovery.

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