Dangerous, High-Potency Form of Marijuana Surfaces

On the heels of marijuana legalization efforts across the country comes news of a new, high-potency form of marijuana referred to as wax or butter. One dose of this concentrated version of pot is claimed to be the equivalent of smoking 15-20 joints. Users eat or smoke the drug which is made from the oil of marijuana plants and contains extremely high concentrations of thc (the chemical which causes a drug high).
Aside from the potential for addiction, there is another alarming concern with the drug having the potential to be refined in home labs. Flammable and combustible materials are needed to produce wax increasing the danger of explosions or serious burns.
When one considers that drug dealers profit from other people developing powerful chemical addictions, it raises grave concerns about naive and impressionable youth possibly being exposed to something as potent as wax.
Drug abuse in America is a primary obstacle for scores of young people and very detrimental to adults as well. With certain groups pushing for legalization and the normalization of pot, there will always be a fringe group aiming to exploit the drug trade and to create the “next big thing”.
The war on drugs begins at home with serious, candid discussions from parent or caretaker to their child and the courage to face the problem head on. A drug that is said to be 15-20 times the strength of typical pot is dangerous. While families endeavor to safely raise their children and to provide loving guidance, there is a real contingent in society that will continue to push the limit with no regard for the welfare of others.
Drug education and drug prevention are consequently profoundly important issues in American society everyday, all the time, 24-7.
For more information on healthy living and coping with drug abuse, please visit the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids.
ADS provides drug prevention and early intervention services across a number of NC counties. If you are interested in speaking with ADS about a presentation at your school, place of employment, church, or organization – then simply submit your presentation request via the ADS website. Thank you for your interest in ADS services!