102 People Overdose in 3 Days on Synthetic Marijuana
Monday, 17 July 2017
Fox 8 news reported that 102 people in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania overdosed on synthetic marijuana over a period of three days. The marijuana-like substance is commonly referred to as “K2“. None of the overdoses resulted in fatality. According to the Director of Lancaster Emergency Medical Services, Robert May, some of the emergency calls involved 2
- Published in Cannabis Use, Drug Addiction, Drug Overdose, Information for Parents, Marijuana, Marijuana Addiction, Prevention and Intervention, Street Drugs, Synthetic Marijuana
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THC-Infused Gummy Bears
Monday, 10 July 2017
Eleven teenagers in Indiana were hospitalized after overdosing on THC gummy bears. 911 was called, and when they responded on the scene they found numerous teens hallucinating, experiencing blurry vision, rapid heart rate, and pain in their legs. They all had ingested a half of a gummy bear that had been infused with THC (the
Pot Use Among College Students
Monday, 26 June 2017
A University of Michigan study funded by the National Institute On Drug Abuse (NIDA) found that college students are presently 51% more likely to use marijuana than same age peers who are not enrolled in college. This trend has been increasing at about 10% per year for several years underscoring the need for increased prevention
Powerful Message in The Overtaken Documentary
Friday, 24 June 2016
There is a powerful and informative short film out – produced by KB Films, and entitled “The Overtaken Documentary“. The film addresses addiction in America and the various ways in which young people are introduced to drugs. The Overtaken Documentary expertly highlights the insidious nature of addiction progression and how youth are wired to typically
Chronic Marijuana Use Affects Memory and Cognitive Function
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
The emerging marijuana legalization effort in the U.S. has created growing concerns about the effect that chronic pot use will have on the developing brains of teens and young adults. A recent CNN article highlighted research findings published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that point to diminished verbal memory, processing speed
CNN Article Cites Increase in Marijuana Use
Monday, 02 November 2015
A study published by the American Medical Association spanning a 10-year period (roughly 2002 to 2012) found that the number of Americans using marijuana has doubled. 4.1% of adults in 2001-2002 admitted using pot, but that number increased to 9.5% within the last year. The CNN article states that the study was based on in-person
Study Shows Marijuana Negatively Affects Driving Performance
Monday, 03 August 2015
In the video below, Dr. Marilyn Huestis of NIDA talks about the research conducted around marijuana’s effect on operating a motor vehicle. It was found that marijuana is associated with increased weaving within the lane. The effects were similar to what is found with drivers who have a .08 breath alcohol level – which is
Youth Dabbling In New Abuses of Marijuana
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
“Vaping” is a recently popularized method of drug delivery that originated with electronic cigarettes. Vaping involves inhaling the aerosol vapors of a heated liquid – which in the case of cigarettes is about ingesting nicotine. However, there are other intoxicants that can be “vaped’, and there is emerging national concern that youthful experimentation with e-cigarettes
Governor Chris Christie Would Prohibit Legalization of Marijuana
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey is known for his strong positions and willingness to address tough issues. He recently expressed his view in an interview that, if elected President, he would outlaw recreational use of marijuana. He indicated that the rationale of legalizing pot to generate more state tax revenue is a weak justification that
- Published in Addiction in Media, Marijuana Addiction
College Substance Abuse Increases
Thursday, 28 May 2015
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA/NIH) has published a survey which shows that college alcohol abuse is still a leading problem with 40% of college students reporting that they had been drunk within the last 30 days. Among the college student group, a 6% rise in marijuana use was also observed from 2006 to
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