Youth Dabbling In New Abuses of Marijuana
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
“Vaping” is a recently popularized method of drug delivery that originated with electronic cigarettes. Vaping involves inhaling the aerosol vapors of a heated liquid – which in the case of cigarettes is about ingesting nicotine. However, there are other intoxicants that can be “vaped’, and there is emerging national concern that youthful experimentation with e-cigarettes
- Published in Addiction, Current Drug Trends, Drug Addiction, Drug Facts, Drug Safety, Information for Parents, Marijuana Addiction, Research, Teen Substance Abuse, Tobacco
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Marijuana Addiction Is Real
Monday, 18 November 2013
Marijuana is addictive. Regular users often defend pot as “not that big of a deal”. However, the reality is that 9% of users become dependent on marijuana (source and will experience persistent memory, thinking, and behavioral problems as well as significant lifestyle disruption while their use of pot continues over time. These individuals will
- Published in Addiction Recovery, Drug Addiction, Marijuana Addiction, Treatment and Recovery