Got Meds Medication Disposal Guilford County
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
It’s time to get rid of your outdated or unused medications! The Drug Enforcement Agency, the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office, Healthy Guilford, Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS), and Safe Guilford are working together to sponsor another medication disposal initiative. Please note the dates and locations below where you can turn in expired medication. The program
THC-Infused Gummy Bears
Monday, 10 July 2017
Eleven teenagers in Indiana were hospitalized after overdosing on THC gummy bears. 911 was called, and when they responded on the scene they found numerous teens hallucinating, experiencing blurry vision, rapid heart rate, and pain in their legs. They all had ingested a half of a gummy bear that had been infused with THC (the
Pot Use Among College Students
Monday, 26 June 2017
A University of Michigan study funded by the National Institute On Drug Abuse (NIDA) found that college students are presently 51% more likely to use marijuana than same age peers who are not enrolled in college. This trend has been increasing at about 10% per year for several years underscoring the need for increased prevention
Governors Institute on Opioid Addiction
Monday, 12 June 2017
North Carolina has an informative website which addresses the rising opioid problem. The address is and this site highlights the issue of opioid use and misuse in the United States. Mentioned there is that 998 North Carolinians died of opioid overdose in 2015. The Governors Institute offers guidelines on opioid prescribing and also focuses
Behavioral Health Affects Overall Health
Monday, 20 March 2017
SAMHSA published an article on their website referencing data collected from 40 million Blue Cross Blue Shield subscribers. The article stated that Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders have a negative effect on Americans’ longevity, productivity, and general health. Specifically, depression, anxiety, and mood disorders were cited as having the greatest impact on health. Substance
Addicted Parents Risk Child Safety
Thursday, 27 October 2016
It has been said there is more than one victim in addiction. Sadly, families are often ripped apart and children left unattended for prolonged periods of time while a parent is out seeking drugs or actively using. As America’s heroin epidemic continues to unravel, we are witnessing innocent victims in this disease of the body,
Controversial Proposal to Allow Heroin In Ithaca, New York
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
CNN has posted a story about the mayor of Ithaca, New York proposing that the city host a program which would allow addicts to legally inject heroin at a designated safe place. The approach is a harm reduction strategy that has been reportedly tried in Europe, Australia, and Canada. Ithaca’s mayor, Svante Myrick, is quoted
CNN Special Show On Prescription Addiction
Thursday, 12 May 2016
CNN aired an informative special program on 5/11/2016, Prescription Addiction: Doctors Must Lead Us Out. The one hour special was hosted by Anderson Cooper and neurosurgeon Dr. Sanjay Gupta. It specifically addressed how the current opioid epidemic in America has been driven by the over prescribing of opioid medication. Various doctors, recovering addicts, and others
W-18 Reported To Be Dangerous Street Drug
Thursday, 05 May 2016
The CBS-affiliate station out of Connecticut, WTVR, reported this week that a new street drug is being sold in the United States and Canada. It is called W-18 and is a synthetic opioid first developed in a Canadian lab in 1981. Emergency medical personnel have stated that a small amount of the drug is powerful