Pot Use Among College Students
Monday, 26 June 2017
A University of Michigan study funded by the National Institute On Drug Abuse (NIDA) found that college students are presently 51% more likely to use marijuana than same age peers who are not enrolled in college. This trend has been increasing at about 10% per year for several years underscoring the need for increased prevention
- Published in Addiction in Media, Cannabis Use, College Alcohol Abuse, Current Drug Trends, Drug Abuse Trends, General Discussion, Information for Parents, Marijuana Addiction, Prevention and Intervention, Teen Substance Abuse, Tobacco
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CNN Article Cites Increase in Marijuana Use
Monday, 02 November 2015
A study published by the American Medical Association spanning a 10-year period (roughly 2002 to 2012) found that the number of Americans using marijuana has doubled. 4.1% of adults in 2001-2002 admitted using pot, but that number increased to 9.5% within the last year. The CNN article states that the study was based on in-person