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CNN Article Cites Increase in Marijuana Use

/ / Addiction in Media, Current Drug Trends, Drug Abuse Trends, Drug Legalization, Information for Parents, Marijuana Addiction, Teen Substance Abuse, Treatment and Recovery

A study published by the American Medical Association spanning a 10-year period (roughly 2002 to 2012) found that the number of Americans using marijuana has doubled. 4.1% of adults in 2001-2002 admitted using pot, but that number increased to 9.5% within the last year.

The CNN article states that the study was based on in-person interviews conducted with more than 36,000 participants over the age of 18. Of the 23 states that allow marijuana use for medical reasons, 4 of those states passed laws allowing for the recreational use of marijuana.

A shift in attitudes toward pot has occurred. The study indicated that with the increased use of pot there has been an increase in the number of people who meet criteria for Cannabis Use Disorder.

Concerned adults and parents worry that this increased acceptance of marijuana, coupled with increased availability, will make it easier for impressionable youth to become involved with pot at a younger age. Advocates for the legalization of marijuana have steadfastly minimized the potential negative consequences of pot use. However, we have learned that more potent forms of marijuana are being developed and distributed thus increasing the risks that pot could have detrimental effects on youth and/or exacerbate underlying psychological problems.

Information on Marijuana