The Benefits of Group Treatment
When patients enter addiction treatment, they are often offered the opportunity to participate in a structured treatment group with other clients who are experiencing similar substance abuse issues. Group treatment has been proven to be an effective approach for individuals working on issues of sober, drug-free living.
ADS provides a range of treatment groups tailored to various addiction problems. In these groups, a facilitator (or counselor) provides education on the nature of addictive disease, its progression, as well as teaching strategies and tools for establishing and maintaining a satisfying drug free life. Each patient in treatment has their own identified problems or needs, and corresponding goals that they work on with the help of their counselor, group co-members, and other community supports. Community supports is a general term that is used to include family, friends, pastor, 12 Step sponsor, and others.
Being a group member allows a person to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in dealing with addiction. It also allows one to receive instruction and feedback from others on how to achieve a successful sobriety and to cope better with life’s pressures. Most treatment programs are built, in part, on a curriculum or series of topics that are essential to the recovery process.
A similar healthcare example might be a diabetic individual receiving education on how to monitor their blood sugar level, modify their eating habits, and what to watch out for that could compromise their health condition. Dealing with addictive disease has a similar set of primary concerns that most all clients will learn about, such as: successfully managing drug use triggers and avoiding relapse, building recovery support, and learning to cope with stress and/or difficult life circumstances including depression or anxiety.
At ADS, one’s time in a treatment group is based on their overall progress and level of stability. The client consults with their counselor and the treatment team as to whether they are ready for discharge or a step down to a lower level of care. Group treatment emphasizes among its participants the importance of listening, challenging oneself, showing respect and sensitivity toward others, offering support and feedback, and protecting one another’s confidentiality. In other words, “What is said here, stays here”, and clients are asked to not discuss other group members’ personal information outside of the group setting.
Group treatment became widely endorsed decades ago because it was determined to be a healthy medium in which people could recover from addiction, and it is generally more cost effective than individual counseling sessions. Ultimately, it provides people with many of the tools necessary to attain a meaningful recovery. ADS has staff that can talk with you further about our various treatment programs and counseling groups. Feel free to call or to submit your request for counselor contact using our online form.
Have a great day!
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