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SAMHSA Promotes Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment

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A co-occurring disorder is one that involves both substance misuse and another mental health illness such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. Both disorders combined present a special challenge for patients, and they require a comprehensive treatment approach by professionals trying to help.

SAMHSA published a recent article highlighting the prevalence of people in America suffering with a co-occurring disorder. SAMHSA report that approximately 8 million American adults have a co-occurring disorder. From the article:

“It is critical that we get the message out: early detection and treatment can improve outcomes and quality of life for those with co-occurring disorders.”

Untreated co-occurring disorders greatly inhibit a person’s ability to care for themselves, their family, and to maintain stability in key areas of daily life. Integrated treatment utilizes best practice methods that address aspects of both disorders. In past decades, substance abuse and mental health treatment were often treated as separate entities. This mindset is now considered outdated, and is being replaced by a synthesized treatment approach.

The SAMHSA article emphasizes the importance of medication in helping individuals to effectively manage co-occurring disorder symptoms. A thorough evaluation is a key factor in addressing co-occurring disorders. The link below is a behavioral health treatment locator provided by SAMHSA:

Treatment Locator