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Celebrate Recovery

/ / Drug Safety, Faith and Inspiration, General Discussion, Information for Parents, Mental Illness, Methadone, Naloxone, Narcan, Opioid Overdose, Prevention and Intervention, Recovery, Teen Substance Abuse, Treatment and Recovery

Each September, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) sponsors National Recovery Month, a national observance that educates Americans on the fact that addiction treatment and mental health services can enable those with a mental and/or substance use disorder to live a healthy and rewarding life. Recovery Month spreads the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can and do recover.

In recognition of the 26th Annual National Recovery Month, Alcohol & Drug Services and Caring Services are hosting a recovery celebration on Saturday—September 26, 2015 at Oak Hollow Festival Park (High Point, NC) from 10am-2pm. The mission of is to honor individuals and families who are in recovery from substance use. This fun-filled event is FREE and open to the public. Activities will include speaker presentations, information booths, music, door prizes, food, and games for the entire family.

2015 Recovery Rally-Brian McNeill