Greensboro News and Record Covers Opiate Addiction

/ / Drug Overdose, Heroin Addiction, Methadone, Naloxone, Narcan, Opioid Treatment, Suboxone, Treatment and Recovery

The Greensboro News and Record has provided an informative series on local opioid addiction, overdose reversal using naloxone, and addiction treatment. The online versions of these stories contain two videos: one that profiles the brave recovery journey of a young mother presently in ADS’ Opioid Treatment Program and another video in which Dr. Anthony Steele of ADS and Louise Vincent discuss addiction, treatment benefits, and reversing opioid overdose through the distribution of naloxone.

The News and Record articles offer a variety of statistics and contributions from local professionals, and also personal testimony from patients, to illustrate just how bad the opioid addiction problem has gotten in the Piedmont Triad. Positively, the article highlights the current successes of those who have sought treatment and are utilizing medication-assistance such as methadone to aid their recovery effort.

While traditional 12 Step programs have often not supported the use of methadone in the recovery process, methadone has been extremely useful in saving lives and allowing many addicted individuals to have a chance at rebuilding their lives. Medication-assistance using methadone is the leading best practice intervention for moderate to severe opioid addictions that have not responded well to more formal addiction treatment.

ADS’ Opioid Treatment Program emphasizes outpatient counseling in conjunction with methadone medication. ADS also utilizes random drug testing in its programs and assists its patients in obtaining other forms of care to address a wide variety of needs. ADS is a Medicaid-approved provider of addiction treatment services, is CARF accredited, and has been operating in the Piedmont Triad community for over 40 years.

In addition to treatment services, ADS provides a Prevention and Early Intervention Department that has educated many thousands of local youth and organizations on the risks associated with alcohol and drug use.