Rally For Recovery

/ / Addiction Recovery, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Information for Parents, Methadone, Prevention and Intervention, Recovery, Treatment and Recovery

Caring Services, Inc and Alcohol & Drug Services are co-sponsoring the upcoming local Rally For Recovery event at City Lake Park in Jamestown, NC. The event will be held on Saturday, September 27th and is open to the general public.

The rally is a family-oriented celebration for all people in the local community that value sobriety and cherish the gift of life that recovery brings. There will be games, food, and fun.

The Rally For Recovery is part of National Recovery Month which is celebrating its 25th year in promoting the societal benefits of prevention, treatment, and recovery for mental health and substance abuse disorders.

This year’s theme is “Join The Voices For Recovery: Speak Up, Reach Out“.

caring-servicesCaring Services, Inc. is a private, non-profit agency providing housing and supportive services for recovering alcoholics, addicts, and their loved ones. They are located at 102 Chestnut Drive, in High Point, North Carolina. The organization provides hope to individuals and families whose lives have become unmanageable because of chemical dependency. Caring Services, Inc. provides an enlightened and caring treatment community in which those affected by the disease of addiction may begin a new life.

