The Stigma of Addiction
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
People who face addiction also deal with the social stigma attached to having an alcohol or drug problem. Addiction is a powerful disease that changes people and often leads to a life of repeated disappointments and failed restarts. These failures are frequently visible to friends, family, and employers. As family and others watch on, often
- Published in Addiction, Addiction in Media, Alcoholics Anonymous, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Drug Treatment, Greensboro Health, Heroin, Heroin Addiction, Methadone, Narcotics Anonymous, Opioid Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse
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Believe In The Power Of Recovery
Monday, 27 April 2015
Achieving something of value typically begins with the belief that one can accomplish a goal if they set their mind to it. With an addiction problem, self-doubt can creep into the picture and keep a person from believing that they can change or that living drug free is truly attainable. As a counselor, I have
Deciding To Get Help
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Most people with a substance abuse problem hold off on getting help until they are in an unmistakably tough spot. This is human nature and also a big piece of the illness of addiction. Denial, and putting off the inevitable, keep many people out of treatment. Addiction is a patient problem. While it sometimes escalates
- Published in Addiction Recovery, Treatment and Recovery