Project Lazarus
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Project Lazarus is a secular, non-profit organization that was established in 2008 with the aim of preventing drug overdose throughout North Carolina. The organization accomplishes this by providing technical assistance to clinicians and community groups, working to build community coalitions, and helping to develop overdose prevention programs. The Project Lazarus website ( contains important data
- Published in Addiction Recovery, Opioid Overdose, Prescription Drug Abuse, project lazarus
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Marijuana Addiction Is Real
Monday, 18 November 2013
Marijuana is addictive. Regular users often defend pot as “not that big of a deal”. However, the reality is that 9% of users become dependent on marijuana (source and will experience persistent memory, thinking, and behavioral problems as well as significant lifestyle disruption while their use of pot continues over time. These individuals will
- Published in Addiction Recovery, Drug Addiction, Marijuana Addiction, Treatment and Recovery
Staying Sober During the Holidays
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
The end of the year is approaching. With that, comes a variety of holidays and celebrations that can sometimes leave us feeling stressed, even sad. Each person is different in how they feel during the holidays. When striving to live alcohol & drug free, feelings play an important role in what people choose to do
- Published in Addiction Recovery, Treatment and Recovery
Helping Someone In Opioid Overdose
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Death from opioid overdose is occurring across the country and is a chief concern for parents and families everywhere. The opioid epidemic has put many people at risk, particularly youth who often have limited understanding of the potential dangers of drug use and drug overdose. This video outlines steps which anyone can take to help
- Published in Addiction Recovery, Opioid Overdose
Denial As Part of Addiction
Thursday, 03 October 2013
Some people live a long time displaying the obvious signs of an alcohol or drug problem. The negative consequences of substance abuse can pile up over the years: reprimands at work, job loss, legal charges, family arguments, broken promises, a wrecked car, unpaid bills. Yet, many people with a clear problem act as if nothing
- Published in Addiction Recovery, Denial, General Discussion, Intervention, Treatment and Recovery
Technology and Recovery
Tuesday, 03 September 2013
Today’s technology is a valuable tool for recovering people, their families, treatment professionals, and most all organizations that serve our local community. From desktop PC’s, to laptops and tablets, to smartphones with internet access, we are all finding new ways to communicate with one another and to obtain the information that we need as quickly
Deciding To Get Help
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Most people with a substance abuse problem hold off on getting help until they are in an unmistakably tough spot. This is human nature and also a big piece of the illness of addiction. Denial, and putting off the inevitable, keep many people out of treatment. Addiction is a patient problem. While it sometimes escalates
- Published in Addiction Recovery, Treatment and Recovery
Assessing Addiction Disorders
Sunday, 25 August 2013
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is the governing body that publishes the DSM which is commonly used in diagnosing various mental health problems. DSM stands for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In this manual, there are various addiction-related disorders which are outlined with associated criteria which must be met in order for an
- Published in Addiction Recovery, Drug Assessment, Treatment and Recovery