HIV Outbreak Concerns Seen In Indiana
Monday, 30 March 2015
The Associated Press has published an article on a recent outbreak of HIV infections seen in Indiana as a suspected result of the opioid addiction epidemic occurring there. As addicted individuals turn to heroin and other illicit opiates to find relief, a majority of them will eventually resort to injection drug use as a more
- Published in Addiction, Addiction in Media, Drug Abuse Trends, Heroin, Heroin Addiction, HIV, Methadone, Opioid Addiction, Opioid Treatment, Teen Substance Abuse
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Life Saving Product, Evzio, Being Rolled Out
Sunday, 15 February 2015
Evzio is a new medical product recently released and which was developed for the prevention of opioid overdose death. It is a convenient naloxone administration device that can be quickly and easily given to heroin & opiate overdose victims. The product has been covered by Huffington Post and Methadone.US. Shown below is a news video
Heroin Addiction – Media Coverage in the Triad
Wednesday, 05 November 2014
WFMY News2 have provided an informative overview of the heroin addiction problem that has been festering for several years in the local Triad community. Featured in the segment (shown below) are patients with an opioid dependency who sought medication-assisted treatment at Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS) and who experienced relief from severe opioid withdrawal as
- Published in Heroin Addiction
Methadone Provides a Lifeline
Monday, 27 October 2014
There are numerous recent stories in the nation’s news about the hazards of heroin addiction, addiction to painkillers, and the terrifying decline that many people are experiencing as opioid addiction takes hold. With addiction comes judgment – often harsh, unforgiving judgment by society as they look on at addicted people and the desperate choices which
- Published in Addiction Recovery, Heroin Addiction, Methadone, Opioid Treatment, Treatment and Recovery
North Carolina Public Radio on Heroin Addiction
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
WUNC Greensboro Bureau Chief, Jeff Tiberii, recently conducted a series of interviews on the growing opioid/heroin addiction problem facing North Carolina. Jeff’s story was distributed on National Public Radio’s Here and Now news program and presented an informative summary of this extremely important health issue affecting so many North Carolina families. Participating in the interviews were
- Published in Heroin Addiction
ADS To Help In Distribution of Life Saving Naloxone
Tuesday, 07 October 2014
The High Point, NC community has been on red alert for a number of months in response to the series of heroin overdoses which have occurred in Guilford county throughout 2014. Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS) in partnership with the High Point Community Foundation, NC Harm Reduction Coalition, and High Point Police Department will be
- Published in Heroin, Heroin Addiction, Methadone, Naloxone, Narcan, Opioid Addiction, Opioid Overdose
WFMY News2 Cover High Point Heroin Problem
Monday, 15 September 2014
Local media have been increasing their coverage of the growing problem with opioid addiction in the Piedmont Triad community. In the article referenced here, Beating The Heroin Addiction, WFMY provide a news piece addressing the fact that 11 people in High Point have died of a heroin overdose since March and an additional 94 individuals
International Overdose Awareness Day
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
International Overdose Awareness Day is Thursday, August 28th. Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS) along with the Guilford Coalition on Medication Education, Detection, and Safety will be sponsoring a Candlelight Vigil and Balloon Release to commemorate those whose lives have been lost due to drug overdose. If you would like to commemorate someone that you lost
Greensboro News and Record Covers Opiate Addiction
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
The Greensboro News and Record has provided an informative series on local opioid addiction, overdose reversal using naloxone, and addiction treatment. The online versions of these stories contain two videos: one that profiles the brave recovery journey of a young mother presently in ADS’ Opioid Treatment Program and another video in which Dr. Anthony Steele
- Published in Drug Overdose, Heroin Addiction, Methadone, Naloxone, Narcan, Opioid Treatment, Suboxone, Treatment and Recovery