The Drug Problem In China Is Growing
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
A Reuter’s (Beijing) article, published in Business Insider, just covered the rise of heroin and methamphetamine abuse in China. 2014 saw nearly 49,000 drug-related deaths and an estimated financial loss of approximately 500 billion yuan ($80 billion is U.S. dollars). The story indicates that China has instituted a nationwide crackdown on drugs in response to a
- Published in Addiction, Addiction in Media, Current Drug Trends, Drug Abuse Trends, Drug Addiction, Heroin Addiction, Opioid Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse, Stimulant Abuse
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Youth Dabbling In New Abuses of Marijuana
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
“Vaping” is a recently popularized method of drug delivery that originated with electronic cigarettes. Vaping involves inhaling the aerosol vapors of a heated liquid – which in the case of cigarettes is about ingesting nicotine. However, there are other intoxicants that can be “vaped’, and there is emerging national concern that youthful experimentation with e-cigarettes
Beginning Buprenorphine in the Emergency Room
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
There is an interesting blog post by Dr. Jana Burson in which she discusses a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The study occurred in the state of Connecticut, and it centered on providing patients a 3-day supply of buprenorphine when they presented in the ER and were found to
- Published in Addiction, Brain Science, Buprenorphine, Drug Treatment, Heroin Addiction, Methadone, Recovery, Suboxone
HIV Outbreak Concerns Seen In Indiana
Monday, 30 March 2015
The Associated Press has published an article on a recent outbreak of HIV infections seen in Indiana as a suspected result of the opioid addiction epidemic occurring there. As addicted individuals turn to heroin and other illicit opiates to find relief, a majority of them will eventually resort to injection drug use as a more
From Addiction to Recovery
Wednesday, 04 March 2015
Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS) has been serving the Piedmont Triad community for over 40 years. During this time, the agency has offered a wide variety of treatment programs and prevention programs to help people learn to deal with addictive disease and to live a healthier life. Most everyone knows someone who has struggled with
Life Saving Product, Evzio, Being Rolled Out
Sunday, 15 February 2015
Evzio is a new medical product recently released and which was developed for the prevention of opioid overdose death. It is a convenient naloxone administration device that can be quickly and easily given to heroin & opiate overdose victims. The product has been covered by Huffington Post and Methadone.US. Shown below is a news video
Three NC Deaths After Using Cocaine Laced With Fentanyl
Monday, 08 December 2014
On Sunday, it was reported by the Chatham County Sheriff’s Office that three adults in the Siler City area died following ingestion of cocaine laced with Fentanyl (a powerful prescription painkiller). Six others became sickened and were treated on the scene by EMS or taken to local hospitals. One of these is presently hospitalized in
- Published in Addiction, Drug Addiction, Drug Laws, Drug Overdose, Fentanyl, Naloxone, Narcan, Opioid Addiction, Opioid Overdose
The Great American Smokeout
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Are you ready to quit? The Great American Smokeout (GASO) is November 20th. Every year on the third Thursday in November, the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout challenges people to stop using tobacco. The first step is to make a quit plan. Connect with a Quit Coach and more than double your chances of
- Published in Addiction, Prevention and Intervention, Smoking Cessation, Tobacco
WFMY News2 Cover High Point Heroin Problem
Monday, 15 September 2014
Local media have been increasing their coverage of the growing problem with opioid addiction in the Piedmont Triad community. In the article referenced here, Beating The Heroin Addiction, WFMY provide a news piece addressing the fact that 11 people in High Point have died of a heroin overdose since March and an additional 94 individuals