Rhino Times Profiles Guilford County Heroin Problem
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Rhino Times has published an interesting article on the rise of heroin abuse in Guilford County. Writer Scott Yost details the rash of sudden overdoses that have plagued the area. In the piece, Scott interviews Jim Albright who is Director of the Guilford County Emergency Services. Albright points to April of 2014 as the month
- Published in Addiction, Heroin, Heroin Addiction, Methadone, Narcan, Opioid Addiction, Opioid Overdose, Opioid Treatment, Prescription Drug Abuse, Suboxone, Treatment and Recovery
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Prescription Drug Abuse Continuing To Be A Problem
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Addiction to prescription pain killers is still an ongoing problem as reported in the The Wichita Eagle. The article highlights several issues around the continued misuse of opioid medications, and highlights a notable shift in the age of today’s substance users. It used to be that opioid addicted individuals most likely came from the older
The Benefits of Group Treatment
Wednesday, 02 July 2014
When patients enter addiction treatment, they are often offered the opportunity to participate in a structured treatment group with other clients who are experiencing similar substance abuse issues. Group treatment has been proven to be an effective approach for individuals working on issues of sober, drug-free living. ADS provides a range of treatment groups tailored
- Published in Addiction, Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Methadone, Opioid Treatment, Treatment and Recovery
U.S. Senate Effort to Address Prescription Drug Abuse
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Prescription drug abuse has never before received the degree of attention shown by the national media and government officials over the last several years. This new level of coverage & involvement is welcomed, and it is necessary in order to help educate our society on the ever-present dangers of prescription medications being abused or illegally
- Published in Addiction, Drug Laws, Drug Overdose, Heroin, Methadone, Opioid Addiction, Treatment and Recovery
NBC News Covers The Emerging Heroin Problem
Tuesday, 08 April 2014
The NBC Evening News began a three night segment April 7 on the emergence of a new heroin epidemic in America. NBC is providing a resource page on their website which lists a number of government organizations that provide information on drug addiction and recovery. The video below is the NBC segment which aired April
- Published in Addiction, Drug Addiction, Heroin Addiction, Naloxone, Opioid Addiction, Opioid Overdose, Treatment and Recovery