The Meth Project
Thursday, 21 July 2016
The Meth Project was founded in 2005 and is currently a program managed by the national non-profit organization, The Partnership For Drug-Free Kids. Methamphetamine (“Meth”) is a highly addictive stimulant drug that is typically smoked (sometimes injected) and produces an effect similar to that of cocaine. Methamphetamine addiction is characterized by a rapid loss of
- Published in Addiction, Addiction in Media, Current Drug Trends, Drug Addiction, Drug Facts, Methamphetamines, Recovery, Stimulant Abuse, Street Drugs, Teen Substance Abuse, Treatment and Recovery
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W-18 Reported To Be Dangerous Street Drug
Thursday, 05 May 2016
The CBS-affiliate station out of Connecticut, WTVR, reported this week that a new street drug is being sold in the United States and Canada. It is called W-18 and is a synthetic opioid first developed in a Canadian lab in 1981. Emergency medical personnel have stated that a small amount of the drug is powerful
$30 Million Proposed For NC Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders
Monday, 25 April 2016
The NC Council of Community Programs just published its bi-monthly newsletter. In it, Governor McCrory proposed that $30 million dollars be allocated for Substance Use Disorders, Mental Health, and Developmental Disabilities. Included in the allocation is a standing order which allows naloxone to be dispensed to anyone who requests it. Approximately 2500 lives were saved
PBS Frontline Highlights America’s Heroin Epidemic
Thursday, 25 February 2016
ADS Board Member, Stacy Smith, recently notified ADS staff of a powerful documentary she viewed which just aired on PBS. The film is titled Chasing Heroin. It is an expertly produced piece on the resurgence of heroin addiction in America. Chasing Heroin profiles a number of individuals and families who are struggling with heroin/opioid addiction.
The Stigma of Addiction
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
People who face addiction also deal with the social stigma attached to having an alcohol or drug problem. Addiction is a powerful disease that changes people and often leads to a life of repeated disappointments and failed restarts. These failures are frequently visible to friends, family, and employers. As family and others watch on, often
Chronic Marijuana Use Affects Memory and Cognitive Function
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
The emerging marijuana legalization effort in the U.S. has created growing concerns about the effect that chronic pot use will have on the developing brains of teens and young adults. A recent CNN article highlighted research findings published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that point to diminished verbal memory, processing speed
New NIDA Study on Increase in Heroin Use
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
A National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH) article highlights findings recently published in The New England Journal of Medicine. The study determined that new opioid prescription policies which more carefully regulate the prescribing of opioids have not directly led to a rise in heroin use over the last few years. Researchers found that an individual’s
Thinking About The Meaning of Recovery
Wednesday, 09 December 2015
The word Recovery is a powerful symbol of hope for people who deal with addiction. Before alcohol and drug addiction were so readily addressed in society, the medical community used recovery as a reference to that period of time when a person was recuperating from a surgery or extended illness. So-and-so has had a full
CNN Article on Heroin-related Overdoses
Wednesday, 08 July 2015
A new article from CNN cites an announcement by the Centers For Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) confirming that heroin use is increasing rapidly across the United States. The staggering result of this is that: “Deaths from heroin-related overdoses nearly quadrupled between 2002 and 2013.” The CDC report indicated that heroin use doubled among women
Town Hall Meeting On Addiction And Recovery
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
A new Town Hall Meeting will occur in High Point at the High Point Arts Council on Tuesday evening July 14th. Fact: Two out of three families are somehow touched by addiction! The Town Hall Meeting will address addiction in our community and how family members can do something about this illness to hopefully prevent
- Published in Addiction, Addiction in Media, Addiction Recovery, Alcoholism, College Alcohol Abuse, Current Drug Trends, Drug Abuse Trends, Drug Treatment, General Discussion, Information for Parents, Narcan, Opioid Overdose, Overdose Prevention, Prescription Drug Abuse, Prevention and Intervention, Recovery, Treatment and Recovery